Its been my 5th month in this place and somehow I got the hang of what I was facing with, the image became clear that dust fades away and wallah! all I can see is a dessert! what should you expect? silly me .. tsk tsk tsk ... well anyway I build up my patience and zipper my mouth for any complains on what my brain is shouting with and the result is pretty nice its like a strategy game complaining is a one way step that hinders once capability of seeing outside the box ...deep ha? hehehe well every men nor every woman are bound in each respective life to do something and while doing something a big stage of encounter is complaining oneself ... HA! who em I to speak about it ha tsk tsk tks looks whose talking while a month or two I was complaining about this hardship but make no mistake a man with a standing pride can rule the world hehehe I still will not take back my words of complaining in which it has its useful product ... all im talking about is when a human being have muster the art of complaining then that human is egoistic hehehehe oh oh oh someone got shot in the head ^_^ ... well anyway were just people who commit mistakes but the important thing is to make those mistakes right and simply the equation is that 1 mistake is equivalent to a specific figure of time that the verdict will figure out when to make it right, others take a whole lifetime to figure it out... therefore 1+1 = infinity ...
If life is a game we should play it well and there are two rules 1st is be smart and 2nd is to cheat it .... you should be laughing about it for ahahahaha .... reality bites hard ha! ... each rule has subcategory for example if you are the 1st rule Im sure you have a brain of a rocket scientist that calculated possible resolves of each encounters and if we are the rule number 2 which is cheat about it, one of the subtopic is "cheating is good if you are not caught" and also as I remember my professor said that cheating is an art! ahahaha now i understand why he said that XD ... so that's how each of us build our own contemporary life.. for those people who stands between rule number 1 and rule number 2 they are hybrids ahahaha XD but we all know that jack of all trades means he or she has no primary field of expertise hence many of us are these type a hybrid in which we level faster than the other 2 but when we arrive to a certain level we cant go on anymore for the requirement of each way is either be a rule number 1 or rule number 2.. and we are stuck in a pedestal so I shall not elaborate anymore because you know what I mean, if not go and figure it out a human being has a lifespan of at-least 50 years so do your math.
In this place the words like fun, pleasure and luxury comes with a nasty amount of price and I know for sure that its hard to spend this days and this times are tough that we do some drastic moves to survive that's common thing for us humans. Simply things that we failed to see when we are still in the warmth embrace of our homeland became quite formidable for this things are the only fun that didn't cost as even a 1 halal and that is have a nice conversation with one of our kababayan or sending once greeting along the road or even extending once hand of help to reach.. even a single cup noodles became quite delicious pared with a side dish of good fellow kababayan...
I re-evaluated my self that each respective brain has the power to alter your own decision. Simply before I complain things before my brain electric wave reach into decision stage and before it transfer to my mouth as words Ill create a new division its called department of re-evaluate or we normal people called it thinking twice or trice!.. A man or a woman who came out successfully from a hardship that didn't' bother to complain or just complain a little is a strong welded being that others failed to see.. take on the hardship and challenges minimizing our own complaining and we are bound to see a light... even god didn't complain about how sinner we are...
As I recall I still have 1 year 7 months 26 days 11 hours and 10 minutes left before freedom re-instate within me.
If life is a game we should play it well and there are two rules 1st is be smart and 2nd is to cheat it .... you should be laughing about it for ahahahaha .... reality bites hard ha! ... each rule has subcategory for example if you are the 1st rule Im sure you have a brain of a rocket scientist that calculated possible resolves of each encounters and if we are the rule number 2 which is cheat about it, one of the subtopic is "cheating is good if you are not caught" and also as I remember my professor said that cheating is an art! ahahaha now i understand why he said that XD ... so that's how each of us build our own contemporary life.. for those people who stands between rule number 1 and rule number 2 they are hybrids ahahaha XD but we all know that jack of all trades means he or she has no primary field of expertise hence many of us are these type a hybrid in which we level faster than the other 2 but when we arrive to a certain level we cant go on anymore for the requirement of each way is either be a rule number 1 or rule number 2.. and we are stuck in a pedestal so I shall not elaborate anymore because you know what I mean, if not go and figure it out a human being has a lifespan of at-least 50 years so do your math.
In this place the words like fun, pleasure and luxury comes with a nasty amount of price and I know for sure that its hard to spend this days and this times are tough that we do some drastic moves to survive that's common thing for us humans. Simply things that we failed to see when we are still in the warmth embrace of our homeland became quite formidable for this things are the only fun that didn't cost as even a 1 halal and that is have a nice conversation with one of our kababayan or sending once greeting along the road or even extending once hand of help to reach.. even a single cup noodles became quite delicious pared with a side dish of good fellow kababayan...
I re-evaluated my self that each respective brain has the power to alter your own decision. Simply before I complain things before my brain electric wave reach into decision stage and before it transfer to my mouth as words Ill create a new division its called department of re-evaluate or we normal people called it thinking twice or trice!.. A man or a woman who came out successfully from a hardship that didn't' bother to complain or just complain a little is a strong welded being that others failed to see.. take on the hardship and challenges minimizing our own complaining and we are bound to see a light... even god didn't complain about how sinner we are...
As I recall I still have 1 year 7 months 26 days 11 hours and 10 minutes left before freedom re-instate within me.
Indeed an inspiration...